China Calling...
So I received an email one morning via the contact me page on my website and at first glance it looks like spam. Before I hit the delete key I read it and see that an editor from a Chinese website called POCO.CN is contacting me to ask about doing and interview and a profile. Hmmm...still seems like spam, but I figure cannot hurt to reply and see who might be on the other end of the email.
Well it turns out the email was not spam. It was the real deal, and I was asked if I would be interested in doing an interview and supplying a collection of my underwater images for publication on a Chinese photography website. Sure. Why not?
So it took a bit of back-and-forth for the questions and my replies and the revisions and the edits...not to mention I had two photo workshops that I was running in Socorro, Mexico, then another in Anilao, Philippines...but once it was all said and done, the profile went live. Have a look for yourself...I hope you like it.
POCO.CN Profile of Underwater Photographer, Erik Lukas