
Here's How: Backlit Frogfish

Here's How: Backlit Frogfish

For my second Here’s How image, I wanted to show an example of using a a tool that most macro shooters have with them on every dive: a focus light. While these are useful for many things, they can and should be used to help add some creative lighting opportunities to your photography.

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145 Photos....

So honored! The amazing Underwater Macro Photographers just released their 2016 5th Anniversary Yearbook. It contains 145 images from 145 photographers, and I am honored to have one of my images among that list.

The collection contains some amazing images, and it's such an honor to have been included.

Thank you to the Underwater Macro Photographer team for running such as great site!



Have a look here:

When the Water is Green...Shoot the Small Stuff

When the Water is Green...Shoot the Small Stuff

What to do when the visibility is less than ideal for shooting underwater? Shoot Macro of course!

On the recent Bluewater Photo 3-Day Channel Islands workshop, we were greeted with less than ideal conditions. The sun was shining bright, but the winds were howling, the water was green and visibility in some spots were only in the 10-12 foot range. Not great for shooting wide-angle images in the healthy kelp forests of the Channel Islands.

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